Ok so lets start off with the big news!! I am officially a licensed lifeguard with Ellis & Associates for the Disney World properties!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! Like seriously there in no way to express in written words how excited this makes me. It was a SUPER rough 3 days of class and for it to have come to an end with great news couldn't have made me any happier. Seriously it was rough!! I learned CPR for adults, children, and infants, I learned several different water rescues including those for spinal injuries and unconscious guests, several first aid techniques, how to use an oxygen tank, and how to safely use an AED (that's basically a mini defibrillator) on adults, children, and infants. We had tests on all of this including a long written test!! IN 3 DAYS PEOPLE!!!! It was not easy. But, not to toot my own horn, *toot toot* I was one of the best in the class. I know shocking right?! I just really enjoyed it and loved getting to learn this stuff!! I feel so honored to have been chosen for this role. I don't know if everyone who reads my blog has ever checked out the different jobs that CPs can get but there is a wide range. Including things like custodial, and housekeeping, and merchandising which is a fancy way of saying you sell stuff. I'm not saying these aren't important roles. They are! The show couldn't happen without every single one of them!! But to have been chosen as a lifeguard over all of that just makes me feel really good. One of my instructors of the lifeguard class said something that really made it feel real. He said, "At the end of the day being a lifeguard is a lot like being a surgeon. If you don't do your job right someone could die." ....wow. Like seriously WOAH. That really resonated with me. In all likelihood I will never actually use most of the things I was taught. I mean I really hope I never have to use those skills!! But the point is that I COULD do it. I could save someone's life if the situation did arise. Now I know I'm no doctor and I'm not trying to make this sound like some glorious amazing thing that was bestowed upon me. I'm just really really happy with my role and some people come here and hate what they do. So I feel very very lucky. :)
Unfortunately, after I leave the program my license is revoked. Apparently the class they gave us was very specific to certain regulations that Disney has that restricts lifeguards from doing certain things. So while we are licensed for here at Disney, we were not taught everything needed to have a full license. What I understood from it was that it's a big liability thing. With what we know and the protocol we have to follow, it protects us in the case of a lawsuit or any legal situation. I swear ya'll Disney doesn't cut corners anywhere!! They really have not only the guest's, but also the cast member's best interest at heart. Also, these classes are super expensive. Not only did Disney pay for the classes, but we got paid for taking the classes!! So technically Disney owns our licenses. Hey I ain't complaining though! I can take the class again if I wanna be a lifeguard back home. No biggie.
OK enough of all that serious stuff!! Ugh! So along with my lifeguard classes I had a couple other orientations/classes. All of the roles at WDW are divided into categories basically. Lifeguard is in the Recreation category and I had to take a 8 hour class on that. Talk about BBOOOORRRRIIINNNNGGG. But the instructors were cool so that made it a lot better. I also found out that along with working at Animal Kingdom Lodge I will also be located at Coronado Springs Resort. Those two are in the same "Region" so I'll be getting trained for both! Every place you work has specific orientations for that resort/park. For example, Julia is working at a restaurant at Hollywood Studios therefore she had an orientation on all of Hollywood Studios. Make sense? Well because I'm working at two resorts I will have two orientations. I already had mine for Coronado Springs and will be starting my on the job training there Sunday! The class was awful but the resort is absolutely gorgeous!!! It's Central American themed with lots of gorgeous architecture and beautiful colors. There are some seriously amazing restaurants and the pool is SO COOL!!!!! It's got this huge Mayan temple replica that has an enormous waterfall down the middle and a 123ft slide!!! It's the only pool at the resort that's guarded and I'm SO excited to work at it!!! My orientation for Animal Kingdom Lodge is on Tuesday so you guys will just have to wait for the next post to hear about how amazing that place is. I may or may not have an entire post dedicated to figuring out what I'm naming the 6 giraffes they have there.
You think I'm kidding....
Oh oh oh!!!! I almost forgot!!! I also got my costume!! YAY PICTURES!!!!! Ok so it's not the most amazing outfit in the world but I promise it's by far the best one at Disney. They're very serious about their costumes (never to be referred to as uniforms) and I'm lucky tho have this one because they can get pretty crazy with some other roles.
Please excuse the mirror pic. No one was home to take it for me!
Also, how hot are those sexy cargo shorts?! #SoFrat
I get this really cool hat too. Like seriously who wouldn't want me to save their lives?! Like foreal. ;)
Julia got pretty lucky with hers too!! I mean those pants could be a little more tailored, but hey let's not get picky here! She has little aliens all over her shirt. Who wouldn't want that?!? Pizza Planet perks.
Speaking of Julia!!! Ya'll I got SOOOOOO extremely lucky finding this girl. She is seriously like the best roommate ever!!! So Tuesday was one of her days off and I had lifeguard class from 8-5. So I come home and not only are all the dishes done (the dishes that I used on lunch break and didn't have time to wash) but she had also done some of my laundry for me AND had dinner ready. WHAT?!?! She's gonna make a great housewife one day. BOYS SHE'S SINGLE!!!!!! ;D But really I almost cried. The key to having an amazing experience in the College Program is having a good living situation to come home to every night, and rooming with Julia just makes everything easier!! Not only can I come home and know I can relax at the end of a long day, but I also have someone to tell everything too! I can tell her about the super sexy lifeguard instructor and crazy orientation leaders and she can gush to me about the hot guys she works with and how she stalks them at work. Hehehe! ;) But seriously she has definitely become one of my best friends. :) LOVE YOU!!!!!
So all in all my 2nd week here has been a total success!! I start really working next week so you'll hear all about that next time. Also, the homesickness is starting to creep in so get ready for some tears! Well I mean you won't be able to see them...but they'll definitely be there!! I'm having so much fun here though, and it's really nice having so many people back home actually interested in how I'm doing. Ya'll this page reached over 700 views with my last post!! That's amazing to me!! So from the bottom of my heart, thank you guys. It means a lot to know that people care and miss me as much as I miss them. But until next time...
Peace, Love, and Pixie Dust,
Amy Dousay :)
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