So I talked a lot about my lifeguard journey in my last post, and informed everyone that I was an official licensed Disney lifeguard. Well.....I was wrong. I still had some training and testing to do this week but GOOD NEWS!!!!! Now I am an official licensed Disney lifeguard!! Yay we'll just celebrate again!!!! Woohoooo!!!!! So yeah Wednesday I had my last set of tests, what they call 'KAPA', and became 100% officially a lifeguard and FINALLY done with training!!!! I think I was more excited to be done with training than to actually become a lifeguard. Well Thursday was my first real shift and it was fantastic!!!! I was really worried coming into this that I wouldn't have a chance to experience the guest interactions that Disney is so famous for. I thought that as a lifeguard I would only really be interacting with people who were either injured/needed help or those that were breaking rules and pissed at me for stopping them. Thankfully, it didn't take me long at all to realize that I was completely wrong!! I get to see happy little kids play in the water and have a blast on the slide. I get to see the relief in the parents knowing they can relax for a few minutes while their kids are preoccupied. With all the concern I had about doing my job and making sure I knew everything I needed to know, I completely forgot that being in the pool is some of the best times for a lot of people, and I get a front row seat for all of it! So needless to say, so far I'm loving my job. :)
Oh and one more note on the lifeguard side of things. I have a request to make to all parents out there. Please, for the sanity of the lifeguards watching your kids DO NOT let them play "I'm gonna lay face down like a dead/unconscious person and see how long I can hold my breath". IT IS THE MOST NERVE RACKING THING I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, in my first day alone I encountered like at least 10 kids doing this. I don't know if it gets easier to spot as you get more experienced, but my heart stopped SEVERAL times Thursday watching kids play this. Also, that is a sign we are trained to spot and respond to without even thinking about it. So if you don't want us jumping in after your kid and causing a commotion and embarrassing you and your child then just don't let them do it!!!! Ok, rant over.
Ok let's get happy again!!! But not "Happy, Happy, Happy" because this blog is about Disney and last I checked they don't own A&E. But, anywho!! After I passed my final tests Wednesday, me and Julia went and celebrated with an evening at Magic Kingdom!! Since we've seen Wishes already and will probably see it several times in the next few months we took advantage of the short wait times and rode several popular rides during the show. It was great!! We then caught the late Electric Parade which was great because there were a fraction of the people that watch the first showing of it. This is also where I met my future husband, Prince Charming. You think I'm kidding? HA!! Nope totally serious here people!! He waved/pointed to me and Julia like 10 times during the parade. Even when he was so far away he could barely see us!!! Yep, it's true love. Cindy needs to get her blonde butt up out of my castle. New princess on the block!!
Ok so maybe it's a little blurry, but you can totally tell he's pointing right at me and saying "You, I want you!!" I mean duh.
Hello you gorgeous man. *Insert that heart eyed emoji several times here*
Oh and there is a lot of other cool stuff in the parade too!!!
She's leaving the castle because she knows it's mine now...
Oh what up Alice?!
Pete was happy to pose for my photos. Thanks bud! We're totally bros now.
And this would definitely be Lou's favorite float!!
And the week doesn't end there!!! That was only Wednesday! Friday me and Julia both had the same day off. That's the first time that's happened since we started working!! So we decided to do something new. We went to the beach!!!! Cocoa Beach to be exact. It was SOOOO nice and the weather was perfect! We tanned on the beach for a few hours, splashed in the water and then did some shopping!! We visited the original Ron Jon Surf Shop!! That place is HUGE!!!! It's a two story building covering almost an entire block. Luckily I had absolutely no money or I would have blown it all there. Didn't get any pictures of that, but me and Julia took a TON at the beach!! Enjoy and be jealous. :)
Now it's time to sit and wait for our burns to heal...
Ok so let's back track a little bit shall we? Last Sunday was Easter as you all know. It was a really hard time for me because not only did I have to work all day, but it fell just around the time that my homesickness was kicking into high gear. It being Easter just made it worse. 3 weeks. I've never been that long without seeing my mother. Since me and Lou started dating we've never been apart that long. I've never even been that long without seeing at least 1 of my best friends!! It's getting really hard being away from everyone I love and I've still got over 3 moths left. Last night was Kappa Delta's formal and I about had a breakdown because I couldn't be there with them. I have this awful fear that everyone's just going to forget about me. That I'm going to come back in august and everything is going to be completely different. What if my group of best friends falls apart? What if my sisters just throw me to the side and forget me? What if Lou finds someone else? Now logically I know these fears are completely irrational and just plain dumb. But lot's of fears aren't logical or warranted but we still have them. People are still afraid of sharks even though more people are killed by dogs and horses every year. People are afraid to fly even though it's proven to be the safest mode of transportation. I think what I'm trying to convey here is two things. 1.) To my friends and family back home: I love and miss you all and please don't forget about me while I'm away. 2.) To the people currently on or going to be doing the Disney College Program: It's ok to be homesick and to be afraid of what's waiting for you back home. It's normal and natural and we all go through it in one way or another. Just know you're not alone!!
So yeah, there's my sad depressing rant for the week. Sorry about it people!! But it's my blog and I can cry if I want to!!! Well I think that's enough for now. Hopefully enough exciting stuff will happen for me to post once a week from now on, but no promises. I'm still getting into the swing of things here and I might end up not having a ton of time to write. And of course I want to keep everyone on their toes!! Muahaha!!! I'm just evil, I know. But until next time...
Peace, Love, and Pixie Dust,
Amy Dousay :)
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